Friday, December 4, 2009

Mmm...manifesto-y goodness...

When I say goodness, it kind of makes it sound like I know what I'm doing when it comes to writing a manifesto.

I don't.

I'd just like to clear that up right now. I have no idea how to write a manifesto. Or what my world view is. Well...I dunno, I guess I do kind of know what my world view is...I didn't even really start thinking about it until my Directing teacher was like "Lets write manifesto's!!" and I was like "Oooh, big word! Lets do it!"

Okay, that's not actually what I said, but I do rather like the word Manifesto. Its got an epic sort of feel.

SO...anyway...what's my manifesto? I don't know yet? What's my world view? I think that may be sort of complicated. We'll boil this down I do theatre?

I do theatre (And this is a conversation that I've had many times with professors) because I have a deep urge to connect with people. When you start out in a theatre major (Or any sort of major involving art I assume) one of the first questions you're asked, is "What defines art". Everyone has a different definition for art. That's why its art, because its something different for everyone. That's why it's so beautiful. The question shouldn't be "What is art?" the question should be "What is art to you?" because in the end, YOU are the only one who's view matters. Maybe not in the grand universal sense, but still.

My definition of art, is anything that the human soul connects to. If it disgusts you, makes you swoon, makes you laugh, makes you cry, makes you want to get out and do something, or makes you want to sit down and think, then its art. I don't think it needs a grand definition, or needs to come in the form of some sort of epic unrecognizable thing in an exhibit somewhere. As long as someone, somewhere makes and honest and emotional connection with it, then it's art. Art should make you think, it should make you breath, it should make you hold your breath, it should make you feel. Doesn't matter what the feeling is, as long as there is one.

What is my world view? I think the world exists for us. We could debate for hours over what the point of life is, but I think it's pretty simple. The point of life is to be human. To be around other humans. To move someone, to be with someone, to love, to hate, to feel. Art is an extension of human existance. We exist so that we can connect with other people. This world would be vastly different without us (I mean, duh). I'm fascinated with the connections that we make every day. You can never really know the effect you have on other peoples lives, and I think that's something we need to take stock of more often. We can heal with a smile, and kill with a few words. I don't think that many people understand that. Human connections are very intense, and we need them in order to live our lives. Without each other, life would be awful. I don't want to live in a world without other people. I just don't. As a person, I need very much for people to like me. It's a problem some times, this I admit to openly. I'm always worried about what other people are thinking. I just want to be accepted, that's all. But its because human contact gives me comfort. I feel great empathy towards other people as well, which is something that I feel the world could use a lot more of. I don't think we feel for each other very often any more. We ask each other "How are you?" on an almost daily basis, but do we ever really want to know? Start honestly asking, and start honestly listening. I think it'd open up a lot of doors and windows. ^_^

I want to see plays about how humans connect, and the effect we have on each others lives. I know that's pretty much what all theatre is about, but still...I think that's what matters most. The people.

This was really rambling, I know, but I hope you were able to pick SOMETHING out of it. Maybe. I's complicated stuff...

I'll post again tomorrow. ^_^ In the mean time, I'm going to keep working on this manifesto for my directing class.


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